Learn how you can enhance the onboarding experience for new community members.

Welcome posts

Admins can automatically generate a welcome post that will appear at the top of every new member's feed, creating a fantastic opportunity to provide guidance, share community details, or highlight essential do's and don'ts.

By default, this feature is enabled and uses a template welcome post. Under Community Settings/Onboarding, admins can customize or disable the welcome post.

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New member introductions

Admins can set up a prompt that every new joining member will receive, inviting them to introduce themselves. All new member intro posts will be consolidated in a designated default group called 👋 Welcome, and their answer will be generated as their first post.

By default, this feature is enabled and uses a template prompt. You can access and edit the new member introduction prompt from your home feed after creating a new community, or conveniently through the newly introduced onboarding tab under Community Settings/Onboarding.

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How will new members experience the introduction prompt?

This is how a new member will see the new member introduction post 👇

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