Paywalls allow you to charge your members for access to certain groups within a community. You can set up a paywall under Settings/Paywall
Select the groups you would like to put behind the paywall and set a price you’ll charge your members for access to your selected groups.
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After successfully creating a new paywall you need to connect your Stripe account before you’re ready to use it. We’re using Stripe Connect to handle payments. The groups you selected will not be gated behind a paywall until you connect Stripe.
We rely on Stripe to handle all payments. In case your country is not supported by Stripe, you might want to have a look at their Stripe Atlas service to setup a United States based entity, which might be a solution to allow you to receive payments even if you’re in an unsupported country.
Members will see a paid group like this. After they subscribe to the group, they will join and see the content for the duration of their subscription.
Each time we charge your members for a subscription to your paywall, there are fees with the transaction. A transaction is any recurring subscription charge by one of your members. At the end of each month your payout will be your plan price minus these fees.